Thursday, March 29, 2012

Bon Weekend

The right bank allées are looking très belle!! I snapped this shot this morning with the iPhone.  (Just never gets old!)

The Mr. hit the road today for an adventure through Scotland with some friends and I am awaiting the arrival of SIX of my best friends from college who are arriving tomorrow.  So as you can imagine, I am doing everything I can not to burst at the seams.  In the meantime, I'm trying to distract myself by listening to some Celine and watching Mad Men. (These are things I do not get to do when the Mr. is here).  Although, honestly, I wish I was watching Downton Abbey season two, but he would kill me if cheated on him and watched ahead.  (Are you not so hooked on this show?! I would probably marry Mr. Bates if I was still single and living in the early 1900's).

In other news, we have major Spring fever over here.  First of all, let me tell you - it has been 70 degrees and blue skies with no clouds for the past 2 weeks in Paris.  And now, everything is turning green and there are flowers overflowing all over the city. My window boxes are all planted and somehow I ended up leaving Monceau Fleurs with with this new addition as well.

I have a feeling it is not going to live long, but the ridiculously intoxicating smell is worth it even if I do (will) kill it within a week (can you even grow gardenia indoors?)  Nevertheless, there is nothing like the smell of a gardenia to me.  It reminds me of childhood (my grandmother grows them).  One of my best memories was walking into the tiny church at my wedding and being filled with the smell.

My last randomness for you today is a few pics of some fabulous awnings.  (Quite obsessed with French striped awnings... I have to figure out how to have this at my house someday).  These are pictures from Palais Royale (palace turned office buildings/shops near the louvre with a gorgeous garden courtyard).

So, since the girls are arriving tomorrow you probably won't be hearing from me again until next week.  Have a fabulous weekend and enjoy whatever version of Spring you have in your part of the world.


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